Source code for mwptoolkit.utils.enum_type

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Yihuai Lan
# @Time: 2021/08/29 22:15:02
# @File:

from itertools import groupby
from math import log10
from sympy import Eq
import re

OPERATORS = ["+", "-", "*", "/", "^"]
SPECIAL_TOKENS = ["<PAD>", "<UNK>", "<SOS>", "<EOS>", "<BRG>", "<OPT>"]

[docs]class Operators: """operators in equation. """ Single = ["+", "-", "*", "/", "^"] Multi = ["+", "-", "*", "/", "^", "=", "<BRG>"]
[docs]class FixType: """equation fix type """ Prefix = "prefix" Postfix = "postfix" Infix = "infix" Nonfix = None MultiWayTree = "multi_way_tree"
[docs]class DatasetName: """dataset name """ math23k = "math23k" hmwp = "hmwp" mawps = "mawps" ape200k = "ape200k" alg514 = "alg514" draw = "draw" SVAMP = "SVAMP" asdiv_a = "asdiv-a" mawps_single = "mawps-single" mawps_asdiv_a_svamp = "mawps_asdiv-a_svamp"
[docs]class DatasetType: """dataset type """ Train = "train" Test = "test" Valid = "valid"
[docs]class DatasetLanguage: """dataset language """ en="en" zh="zh"
[docs]class TaskType: """task type """ MultiEquation = "multi_equation" SingleEquation = "single_equation"
[docs]class SpecialTokens: """special tokens """ PAD_TOKEN = "<PAD>" # padding token UNK_TOKEN = "<UNK>" # unknown token SOS_TOKEN = "<SOS>" # start token EOS_TOKEN = "<EOS>" # end token NON_TOKEN = "<NON>" # non-terminal token BRG_TOKEN = "<BRG>" # equation connecting token OPT_TOKEN = "<OPT>" # operator mask token
[docs]class MaskSymbol: """number mask type """ NUM = "NUM" alphabet = "alphabet" number = "number"
[docs]class NumMask: """number mask symbol list """ NUM = ["NUM"]*100 alphabet = [ "NUM_a", "NUM_b", "NUM_c", "NUM_d", "NUM_e", "NUM_f", "NUM_g", "NUM_h", "NUM_i", "NUM_j", "NUM_k", "NUM_l", "NUM_m", "NUM_n", "NUM_o", "NUM_p", "NUM_q", "NUM_r", "NUM_s", "NUM_t", "NUM_u", "NUM_v", "NUM_w", "NUM_x", "NUM_y", "NUM_z" ] number = ["NUM_" + str(i) for i in range(100)]
[docs]class SupervisingMode: """supervising mode""" fully_supervised="fully_supervised" weakly_supervised=["fix", "mafix", "reinforce", "mapo"]
[docs]class EPT: FRACTIONAL_PATTERN = re.compile('(\\d+/\\d+)') # Pattern of numbers e.g. 2,930.34 NUMBER_PATTERN = re.compile('([+\\-]?(\\d{1,3}(,\\d{3})+|\\d+)(\\.\\d+)?)') # Pattern of number and fraction numbers NUMBER_AND_FRACTION_PATTERN = re.compile('(%s|%s)' % (FRACTIONAL_PATTERN.pattern, NUMBER_PATTERN.pattern)) # Pattern of numbers that following zeros under the decimal point. e.g., 0_250000000 FOLLOWING_ZERO_PATTERN = re.compile('(\\d+|\\d+_[0-9]*[1-9])_?(0+|0{4}\\d+)$') MULTIPLES = ['once', 'twice', 'thrice', 'double', 'triple', 'quadruple', 'dozen', 'half', 'quarter', 'doubled', 'tripled', 'quadrupled', 'halved', 'quartered'] # Suffix of plural forms PLURAL_FORMS = [('ies', 'y'), ('ves', 'f'), ('s', '')] NUMBER_READINGS = { 'zero': 0, 'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3, 'four': 4, 'five': 5, 'six': 6, 'seven': 7, 'eight': 8, 'nine': 9, 'ten': 10, 'eleven': 11, 'twelve': 12, 'thirteen': 13, 'fourteen': 14, 'fifteen': 15, 'sixteen': 16, 'seventeen': 17, 'eighteen': 18, 'nineteen': 19, 'twenty': 20, 'thirty': 30, 'forty': 40, 'fifty': 50, 'sixty': 60, 'seventy': 70, 'eighty': 80, 'ninety': 90, 'hundred': 100, 'thousand': 1000, 'million': 1000000, 'billion': 1000000000, 'once': 1, 'twice': 2, 'thrice': 3, 'double': 2, 'triple': 3, 'quadruple': 4, 'doubled': 2, 'tripled': 3, 'quadrupled': 4, 'third': 3, 'forth': 4, 'fourth': 4, 'fifth': 5, 'sixth': 6, 'seventh': 7, 'eighth': 8, 'ninth': 9, 'tenth': 10, 'eleventh': 11, 'twelfth': 12, 'thirteenth': 13, 'fourteenth': 14, 'fifteenth': 15, 'sixteenth': 16, 'seventeenth': 17, 'eighteenth': 18, 'nineteenth': 19, 'twentieth': 20, 'thirtieth': 30, 'fortieth': 40, 'fiftieth': 50, 'sixtieth': 60, 'seventieth': 70, 'eightieth': 80, 'ninetieth': 90, 'hundredth': 100, 'thousandth': 1000, 'millionth': 1000000, 'billionth': 1000000000, 'dozen': 12, 'half': 0.5, 'quarter': 0.25, 'halved': 0.5, 'quartered': 0.25, } OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = { '^': 4, '*': 3, '/': 3, '+': 2, '-': 2, '=': 1 } PAD_ID = -1 # Key indices for preprocessing and field input PREP_KEY_EQN = 0 PREP_KEY_ANS = 1 PREP_KEY_MEM = 2 # Token for text field NUM_TOKEN = '[N]' SPIECE_UNDERLINE = '▁' # String key names for inputs IN_TXT = 'text' IN_TPAD = 'text_pad' IN_TNUM = 'text_num' IN_TNPAD = 'text_numpad' IN_EQN = 'equation' # Dictionary of operators OPERATORS = { '+': {'arity': 2, 'commutable': True, 'top_level': False, 'convert': (lambda *x: x[0] + x[1])}, '-': {'arity': 2, 'commutable': False, 'top_level': False, 'convert': (lambda *x: x[0] - x[1])}, '*': {'arity': 2, 'commutable': True, 'top_level': False, 'convert': (lambda *x: x[0] * x[1])}, '/': {'arity': 2, 'commutable': False, 'top_level': False, 'convert': (lambda *x: x[0] / x[1])}, '^': {'arity': 2, 'commutable': False, 'top_level': False, 'convert': (lambda *x: x[0] ** x[1])}, '=': {'arity': 2, 'commutable': True, 'top_level': True, 'convert': (lambda *x: Eq(x[0], x[1], evaluate=False))} } # Arity and top-level classes TOP_LEVEL_CLASSES = ['Eq'] ARITY_MAP = {key: [item[-1] for item in lst] for key, lst in groupby(sorted([((op['arity'], op['top_level']), key) for key, op in OPERATORS.items()], key=lambda t: t[0]), key=lambda t: t[0])} # Infinity values NEG_INF = float('-inf') POS_INF = float('inf') # FOR EXPRESSION INPUT # Token for operator field FUN_NEW_EQN = '__NEW_EQN' FUN_END_EQN = '__DONE' FUN_NEW_VAR = '__NEW_VAR' FUN_TOKENS = [FUN_NEW_EQN, FUN_END_EQN, FUN_NEW_VAR] FUN_NEW_EQN_ID = FUN_TOKENS.index(FUN_NEW_EQN) FUN_END_EQN_ID = FUN_TOKENS.index(FUN_END_EQN) FUN_NEW_VAR_ID = FUN_TOKENS.index(FUN_NEW_VAR) FUN_TOKENS_WITH_EQ = FUN_TOKENS + ['='] FUN_EQ_SGN_ID = FUN_TOKENS_WITH_EQ.index('=') # Token for operand field ARG_CON = 'CONST:' ARG_NUM = 'NUMBER:' ARG_MEM = 'MEMORY:' ARG_TOKENS = [ARG_CON, ARG_NUM, ARG_MEM] ARG_CON_ID = ARG_TOKENS.index(ARG_CON) ARG_NUM_ID = ARG_TOKENS.index(ARG_NUM) ARG_MEM_ID = ARG_TOKENS.index(ARG_MEM) ARG_UNK = 'UNK' ARG_UNK_ID = 0 # Maximum capacity of variable, numbers and expression memories VAR_MAX = 2 NUM_MAX = 32 MEM_MAX = 32 # FOR OP INPUT SEQ_NEW_EQN = FUN_NEW_EQN SEQ_END_EQN = FUN_END_EQN SEQ_UNK_TOK = ARG_UNK SEQ_TOKENS = [SEQ_NEW_EQN, SEQ_END_EQN, SEQ_UNK_TOK, '='] SEQ_PTR_NUM = '__NUM' SEQ_PTR_VAR = '__VAR' SEQ_PTR_TOKENS = SEQ_TOKENS + [SEQ_PTR_NUM, SEQ_PTR_VAR] SEQ_NEW_EQN_ID = SEQ_PTR_TOKENS.index(SEQ_NEW_EQN) SEQ_END_EQN_ID = SEQ_PTR_TOKENS.index(SEQ_END_EQN) SEQ_UNK_TOK_ID = SEQ_PTR_TOKENS.index(SEQ_UNK_TOK) SEQ_EQ_SGN_ID = SEQ_PTR_TOKENS.index('=') SEQ_PTR_NUM_ID = SEQ_PTR_TOKENS.index(SEQ_PTR_NUM) SEQ_PTR_VAR_ID = SEQ_PTR_TOKENS.index(SEQ_PTR_VAR) SEQ_GEN_NUM_ID = SEQ_PTR_NUM_ID SEQ_GEN_VAR_ID = SEQ_GEN_NUM_ID + NUM_MAX # Format of variable/number/expression tokens FORMAT_VAR = 'X_%%0%dd' % (int(log10(VAR_MAX)) + 1) FORMAT_NUM = 'N_%%0%dd' % (int(log10(NUM_MAX)) + 1) FORMAT_MEM = 'M_%%0%dd' % (int(log10(MEM_MAX)) + 1) VAR_PREFIX = 'X_' NUM_PREFIX = 'N_' CON_PREFIX = 'C_' MEM_PREFIX = 'M_' # Key for field names FIELD_OP_GEN = 'op_gen' FIELD_EXPR_GEN = 'expr_gen' FIELD_EXPR_PTR = 'expr_ptr' # Model names MODEL_VANILLA_TRANS = 'vanilla' # Vanilla Op Transformer MODEL_EXPR_TRANS = 'expr' # Vanilla Transformer + Expression (Expression Transformer) MODEL_EXPR_PTR_TRANS = 'ept'