Source code for mwptoolkit.module.Environment.stack_machine

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Yihuai Lan
# @Time: 2021/08/29 21:49:07
# @File:

import sympy
import torch

[docs]class OPERATIONS: def __init__(self, out_symbol2idx): self.NOOP = -1 self.GEN_VAR = -2 self.PAD = out_symbol2idx['<PAD>'] self.ADD = out_symbol2idx['+'] self.SUB = out_symbol2idx['-'] self.MUL = out_symbol2idx['*'] self.DIV = out_symbol2idx['/'] self.POWER = out_symbol2idx['^'] self.RAW_EQL = out_symbol2idx['='] if '=' in out_symbol2idx else -1 self.BRG = out_symbol2idx['<BRG>'] if '<BRG>' in out_symbol2idx else -1 self.EQL = out_symbol2idx['<EOS>'] self.N_OPS = out_symbol2idx['NUM_0']
#self.N_OPS = self.BRG+1 if self.POWER < self.BRG else self.POWER+1 #self.N_OPS = self.POWER+1
[docs]class StackMachine: def __init__(self, operations, constants, embeddings, bottom_embedding, dry_run=False): """ Args: constants (list): Value of numbers. embeddings (tensor): Tensor of shape [len(constants), dim_embedding]. Embedding of the constants. bottom_embedding (teonsor): Tensor of shape (dim_embedding,). The embeding to return when stack is empty. """ self._operands = list(constants) self._embeddings = [embedding for embedding in embeddings] self.operations = operations # number of unknown variables self._n_nuknown = 0 # stack which stores (val, embed) tuples self._stack = [] # equations got from applying `=` on the stack self._equations = [] self.stack_log = [] self.stack_log_index = [] # functions operate on value self._val_funcs = { self.operations.ADD: sympy.Add, self.operations.SUB: lambda a, b: sympy.Add(-a, b), self.operations.MUL: sympy.Mul, self.operations.DIV: lambda a, b: sympy.Mul(1/a, b), self.operations.POWER: lambda a, b: sympy.POW(a, b) } self._op_chars = { self.operations.ADD: '+', self.operations.SUB: '-', self.operations.MUL: '*', self.operations.DIV: '/', self.operations.POWER: '^', self.operations.RAW_EQL: '=', self.operations.BRG: '<BRG>', self.operations.EQL: '<EOS>' } #print(self._operands, self._op_chars); exit() self._bottom_embed = bottom_embedding if dry_run: self.apply = self.apply_embed_only
[docs] def add_variable(self, embedding): """ Tell the stack machine to increase the number of nuknown variables by 1. Args: embedding (torch.Tensor): Tensor of shape (dim_embedding). Embedding of the unknown varialbe. """ var = sympy.Symbol('x{}'.format(self._n_nuknown)) self._operands.append(var) self._embeddings.append(embedding) self._n_nuknown += 1
# self.stack_log.append(var) # self.stack_log_index.append(OPERATIONS.GEN_VAR)
[docs] def push(self, operand_index): """ Push var to stack. Args: operand_index (int): Index of the operand. If index >= number of constants, then it implies a variable is pushed. Returns: torch.Tensor: Simply return the pushed embedding. """ self._stack.append((self._operands[operand_index], self._embeddings[operand_index])) self.stack_log.append(self._operands[operand_index]) #print('self.stack_log', self.stack_log, operand_index, self._operands, self._op_chars, self.operations.N_OPS); exit() self.stack_log_index.append(operand_index + self.operations.N_OPS) # return self._embeddings[operand_index]
[docs] def apply_embed_only(self, operation, embed_res): """ Apply operator on stack with embedding operation only. Args: operator (mwptoolkit.module.Environment.stack_machine.OPERATION): One of - OPERATIONS.ADD - OPERATIONS.SUB - OPERATIONS.MUL - OPERATIONS.DIV - OPERATIONS.EQL embed_res (torch.FloatTensor): Resulted embedding after transformation, with size (dim_embedding,). Returns: torch.Tensor: embedding on the top of the stack. """ if len(self._stack) < 2: return self._bottom_embed val1, embed1 = self._stack.pop() val2, embed2 = self._stack.pop() if operation not in [self.operations.RAW_EQL, self.operations.BRG]: # calcuate values in the equation val_res = None # transform embedding self._stack.append((val_res, embed_res)) self.stack_log.append(self._op_chars[operation]) self.stack_log_index.append(operation) if len(self._stack) > 0: return self._stack[-1][1] else: return self._bottom_embed
[docs] def apply_eql(self, operation): self.stack_log.append(self._op_chars[operation]) self.stack_log_index.append(operation) return self._bottom_embed
[docs] def get_solution(self): """ Get solution. If the problem has not been solved, return None. Returns: list: If the problem has been solved, return result from sympy.solve. If not, return None. """ if self._n_nuknown == 0: #print('return None', self._equations) return None try: #print('self._equations', self._equations) root = sympy.solve(self._equations) #print(self._equations, root) for i in range(self._n_nuknown): if self._operands[-i - 1] not in root: #print('return None') return None return root except: return None
[docs] def get_top2(self): """ Get the top 2 embeddings of the stack. Return: torch.Tensor: Return tensor of shape (2, embed_dim). """ if len(self._stack) >= 2: return torch.stack([self._stack[-1][1], self._stack[-2][1]], dim=0) elif len(self._stack) == 1: #print(self._stack[-1][1], self._bottom_embed) return torch.stack([self._stack[-1][1], self._bottom_embed], dim=0) else: return torch.stack([self._bottom_embed, self._bottom_embed], dim=0)
[docs] def get_height(self): """ Get the height of the stack. Return: int: height. """ return len(self._stack)
[docs] def get_stack(self): return [self._bottom_embed] + [s[1] for s in self._stack]